Tuesday, April 20, 2010

School Room Makeover

My kids are learning about weather in Science.  Silly guy had a fun project to create a cozy spot for a rainy day.  Well, let's just say we put our own twist on it.  Hawaii doesn't get to many rainy days.  Usually if it does rain it is very short.  So,we decided we would makeover our school room instead.
They made a plan on scrap paper first and then I let them loose on the wall.  Little man helped with painting the flowers and then decided he wanted to put his hands on the wall instead.  Silly guy worked on the tree and flowers.  Sweet girl painted the rainbow, birds, and the sunshine.   
 I think it turned out pretty.  They had such a great time!! 


carebear7951 said...

That is so cute!!! I wish I were brave enough to turn my kids loose on the walls. LOL (My first thought was whether that was paper attached to the wall for your mural!)

Meg said...

It was fun. I was a bit nervous about the carpet so I put blankets on the floor. At one point it seemed like my little guy had 10 hands,lol. He was so excited to be painting on the wall.


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