Monday, September 28, 2009

Homemade Scale

Sweet girl has been learning about measurement in Science. When she first started the unit she was not that thrilled. "I have to do Math in Science?"
Her feelings have changed. She has had an in depth study on the metric system and understands it much better than when she began. Some of the experiments and reading about the history of measurement have made learning about it more enjoyable. She had an investigation the other day which involved comparing the mass of objects. She constructed this balance out of everyday household items to complete her assignment. I wanted to share how to assemble the balance with you.

Items you will need:
  • a ruler
  • a nail
  • a rubber band
  • two medicine cups
  • some clay
  1. Use the rubber band to fasten a nail across the center of the ruler. If it is loose, double the rubber band.
  2. Use pieces of clay to stick a medicine cup to each end of the ruler.
  3. Rest the nail on two jar lids, blocks, or another object to raise it off of the table
  4. Balance your ruler by adding more clay to the light end and or by moving the rubber band toward the heavy end.
  5. Select the unit of mass you will use. Objects that are readily available in your room make good mass units. Ex. paper clips, paper fasteners, or small washers.
  6. Use your balance to find the mass of each object. Order them from the heaviest to the lightest.
  7. Make a graph w/ your data.
  8. Have fun!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This picture was taken by my Sweet girl

My heart dances when I just sit and watch my children.
Homeschooling has given our family the opportunity to create an incredible bond. They learn, play, laugh, grow together as a family.
I love to watch as Silly guy is teaching Little man a new song. Sweet girl reading him a story. At the end of a long day, Silly guy and Sweet girl playing or making up a game together. All three of them going outside to collect some kind of creature and caring for it. My Little man asking his big brother to take him on a rocket ship ride and everytime he ask he does it because he knows how happy it makes him.
They are so sweet together and like I said my heart dances.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Sweet girl is learning about landforms in geography. She is finding this very interesting! I gave her this additional assignment. I had her pick a land form she wanted to learn more about. She chose the volcano. She learned how a volcano works and some facts about them.
Some of the facts she found out(in the circles):
How they work- The process of eruption begins when pressure builds on the magma chamber. The pressure causes magma to be forced up the conduit. When it reaches the surface the magma thrust through it causing an eruption.
The largest volcano-The largest volcano on Earth is Hawaii's Mauna Loa. It is six miles tall from the sea floor.
The most active volcano in the continental U.S.- The most active volcano is Mount St. Helens in Washington State.
The largest volcano in our solar system- The largest volcano in our solar system is Olymic Mons on planet Mars. It is 17 miles tall and 320 miles across.
Where does the word volcano originate-The name volcano is from the Romans. The Romans believed in Vulcan, the god of fire. The place where they believed he lived was inside the earth beneath the island Hiera. It is now called Vulcano and the word is used when referring to any of the active volcanoes around the world.
How is magma formed-Magma forms because the rocks are at high temperature and pressure deep inside the earth.
An active volcano today-Kilauea is an active volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. Kilauea is also the youngest volcano in Hawaii. There have been 34 eruptions since 1952 and 61 eruptions total.

Science Pets

Here is our new pet-Sea Monkeys. Silly guy is learning about Biology and this was an additional activity we decided would be fun, growing sea monkeys. They have really enjoyed watching these very little guys grow and we were able to feed them for the first time today. If you look closely to the picture you can see little white specks. They are the sea monkeys. There are hundreds of them! Fun!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sketch Tuesday- Cloudy with a Chance...

This weeks assignment is to sketch a scene with clouds. I loved the kids ideas. Sweet girl wanted to sketch a balloon floating into the sky. Silly guy sketched a fighter jet soaring through the clouds. We decided we would use paint. I loved the colors they chose. Sweet girl's clouds are reflecting the sun set.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sandwich Wrapper-Complete

I finished the DIY 2 in 1 Sandwich/Placemats. I got the idea from the Frugal Family Fun Blog. They are so cute now we have to go on a picnic!!

My sewing machine has not seen the light of day in about 3 years. I pulled it out and was so excited about the project list I had for myself. heart was chanting!

Two words-YOU TUBE! I forgot how to thread the bobbin, the needle, everything. After watching all of the lessons on you tube, I was ready to go.

My Little man(2yrs old) was very excited too. All of that pretty string in that neat little box. Next thing you know, he had about 6 spools of cotton unwound all over the floor. I noticed when the dog started whining because she was now tangled in the string.

My Sweet girl was giggling the whole time because she knew that her mother was determined. Even though my sewing time had turned into a borderline chaotic event.
She then offered to take Little man upstairs to play-God bless her.
I was working hard. Then I heard her say,"Mom, look at E."as they were coming down the stairs. She had dressed him up like a little girl-make up, jewelry, and all.

I just had to laugh!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mama's Birthday

Today was Mama's birthday. It was such a wonderful day! I am so blessed to
have such a wonderful family and to be so loved.
The kids decorated my birthday cake. While Little man was taking his turn
the icing bag busted.
We forgot to buy the 3 candle so we improvised.

Making a Fairy Birthday Cake

My friend was having a party for her baby girl's one year birthday. I offered to make the cake for her. She told me it was a fairy themed party and I was just drooling as the ideas started to flow.
She decided she wanted a cupcake tier with the birthday girl's cake on top. I am so happy with how it turned out I wanted to share the idea.
She bought the fairy and butterflies to add decoration. I also used gift
wrapping ribbon to add a little whimsy. I wrapped the ribbon on
to a toothpick with floral tape and then pushed them into
the cake top.
It was so simple to make these cupcakes. I cut a marshmallow in half
diagonal and then used sprinkles to give them color.
Then I used a mini marshmallow for the center of the flower.

Beach Day

My husband had a four day weekend, so we took advantage of the opportunity to have a beach day. We love to hang out at this beach! The kids always find starfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, lots of fish, and other little critters. I always enjoy watching them explore!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

State History & Geography Notebooking pages

My Sweet girl is getting ready to start a State history/Geography study. I designed these notebooking pages to go along with her study. If your homeschool is planning on a state history/geography study feel free to download the notebooking pages. I hope you enjoy!!
Just click on :
State History & Geography Notebook


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