Monday, May 3, 2010

Pet for the Week

Little Man is getting to that age where he wants to collect whatever he finds outdoors, put it in a cage, and keep it.  Just when Sweet girl and Silly guy was getting out of this stage,lol. 
He found this little guy trying to get off of our porch before the afternoon sun.  He was struggling and Sweet girl was certain he wasn't even alive.  She said she saw him curl into his shell but he was already getting toasty. 
Little Man came into the house and got a critter cage, put grass and rocks inside of it.  Next thing you know, I have a snail in my kitchen.  It just sat there for a day or two.  I was beginning to think Sweet girl was right and he was probably no longer with us.  I kept telling Little man,"We have to let him go hunny.  I don't think he is alive."  He insisted of course that I was wrong. "Mommy, he is just asleep in his shell." 
So, now I am thinking to myself how am I going to explain this to him.  It was already beginning to smell. 
The next day we came down the stairs and Little man ran over to check on his snail.  He was at the top!!  We were all shocked that he had moved.  I gave him some fresh water.  After breakfast we checked on him again. He was out of his shell soaking up the water in the dish.  It was so much fun to watch Little Man's face.
He turned to me and said,"See Mom, I told you he was sleeping."  Well, I had to agree. 
We only kept him one more day because we weren't sure what to feed a snail and the fact he was a wild animal.  Although stinky, he was fun to observe.

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